Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday Quickies: Press Conference in Milwaukee, Mr. Friendly, Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Well hello there.  Wanted to just put down a few quick links and stories.  I wanted to post more of these when I find out about them, and possibly write up some larger articles about them.  For now, here are some cool things to look more into and check out.

1)  Press Conference from Milwaukee Health Department at Diverse and Resilient on June 10

   There is a great deal of attention being focused on Milwaukee in regards to their drastically large increase in HIV infections in the last 5 years.  While other areas of the state have seen a decline, Milwaukee has been increasing in HIV infections, particularly in African American men who have sex with other men.   The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has launched an investigation into the reasons for this increase while also pushing for local agencies and the Milwauke Health Department to create some solutions to curb these infections. 

This Thursday at 12:30pm, the Milwaukee Health Department plans to have a press conference at Diverse and Resilient to talk about their joint efforts in reaching into the African American LGBT community to combat these rising HIV infections.  There will be some clarification on why this agency instead of other agencies doing HIV prevention outreach will be the target of funds and support from the Milwaukee Health Department.

2).  An individuals who attended International Mr. Leather in Chicago came back with some great pins.  These pins were created by an individuals who wanted to address the stigma he saw in the HIV negative community towards individuals who were HIV +.   He created pins that were cute and were meant to start discussion around this issue.  Here's is a photo of them.

3). Looks like the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't tell is getting closer to happening.  Not necessarily specific to HIV and sexual health, getting rid of homophobic and illogical laws of discrimination seem to be right up our alley.  Check out this press release from the White House:

1 comment:

  1. In conjunction with the events transpiring in Milwaukee, here is another press release from the White House that talks about a summit they just had concerning HIV/AIDS in the African-American community.

