Thursday, June 3, 2010

Members of the HIV Community sign on Letter to Boycott Arizona

via The Body

Immigration is one of the tougher issues we will address in America, but what is its connection to HIV/AIDS. Why should we care?

In the early days of the epidemic, people with AIDS faced stigma and discrimination. We were shunned and looked upon as second class citizens. As a result of society's unwillingness or inability to provide AIDS care and prevention, a whole new network of services were developed to directly address this epidemic.

This is our legacy.

What started as a fight against a disease, also because a fight against discrimination, homophobia, sexism and stigma.

Can we fight discrimination against gay men, and not stand up for people of color? Can we fight stigma against people of color and then not stand for women? Can we stand up for women, then not stand up for transgender women?

If this epidemic has taught us anything, it is the interconnection of all these issues. When we fight for people with AIDS, that means we are fighting for people. AIDS does not discriminate, unfortunately the same cannot be said for the rest of the world.

Stand with us in a boycott of Arizona until S.B. 1070 is repealed, overturned by the courts, or superseded by comprehensive federal immigration reform.

Click the link above to see the entire letter and to add your own name to the list of organizations upset about the new immigration laws coming from Arizona

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