Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Presidential Advisory Committee voting on a Resolution concerning ADAP

Dr. Deborah Parham
Dr. Parham Hopson is responsible for managing the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006 (Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program).

PACHA (Presidential Advisory Committee on HIV/AIDS) voted to pass a resolution today that "advised" President Obama to

  1. Provide adequate emergency federal ADAP funding in FY2010 ($126,000,000) to eliminate wait lists, reverse cost containment measures, and meet anticipated increased demand for live-saving treatment in FY 2010.
    2.  Provide adequate federal Ryan White Program funding in FY2011 and beyond to meet
         growing demand for Ryan White Program provided care, treatment and essential support  

     3.  Provide states with the ability to immediately expand access to Medicaid for people living
          with HIV and AIDS through the enactment of the Early Treatment for HIV Act.

For a copy of the rest of the Resolution, go here: http://www.aids.gov/federal-resources/policies/pacha/meetings/june-2010-resolution.pdf

For a copy of the discussion that happened and subsequent comments from those listening in, go here: http://www.preventionjustice.org/

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