Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day happens every year on December 1st.  On this day, the entire world makes a large effort to remind everyone on this planet that there is still a preventable disease infecting large numbers of people.  That this disease has further been spread through ignorance, discrimination, stigma, poverty, incarceration, alcohol and drugs and many other social and psychological issues.  That HIV/AIDS activism still is needed today because every year, individuals on the national, state and local level have to explain to politicians newly elected why providing funding for HIV medication will help stop the spread of HIV and keep thousands of people healthy.  Every year, small organizations have to fight for the small amount of money they get each year to provide the necessary services for their community.  And every year, individuals living with HIV/AIDS know that another year has passed and because of them and other individuals, are healthier now then they were 10 years ago.  And all of us come together and take a moment to remember those who have left us this year.  and in years pass.   We take a moment and light a candle, wear a ribbon, or approach one of our friends and say " Let me tell you about a friend/partner/family member I had who taught me a lot about not only HIV but about loving life."

So please join AIDS Network, UW Clinics, Madison/Dane County Public Health and the University of Wisconsin as we recognize World AIDS Day.

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