Wednesday, April 14, 2010

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day - May 18th

From the Huffington Post

"This much we do know: No major viral epidemic has been defeated without a vaccine. That was one of the reasons President Bill Clinton challenged the nation to develop an AIDS vaccine within 10 years back on May 18, 1997, the first HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

Right here in Chicago, the HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN), in partnership with Project WISH (We're Invested in Stopping HIV) at the University of Illinois at Chicago, has launched HVTN 505, a national effort taking place in 14 sites across the country to test a new HIV vaccine among gay and bisexual men of color, a population severely impacted by HIV/AIDS.

Nearly 30 years into the HIV/AIDS pandemic, I feel there is a prevention burnout among older individuals in the LGBT community and among some of our allies," Gaylord said. "Some of the younger individuals that I engage for the study did not witness the devastation of AIDS that I did in the early 1980's. I think their concerns may be on issues other than HIV. I have to remind them that if it weren't for study participants, we wouldn't have AZT - the first drug to combat HIV - or the nearly 30 different kinds of antiretroviral therapy that exist today."

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